✆ (657) 232-0197

Uniform Requirements
Please review it before buying your dancer's attire.
Following are brief descriptions and dress codes for our classes. Dress codes are in place for the safety of our dancers, the respect towards their teachers, and the discipline of the artform.
Dress Code Regulations:
Hair: Should be neatly groomed, with little to no fly away or strangling hairs and abide by each dance styles requirements.
Outerwear: No t-shirts, sweatpants, shorts, or any baggy outerwear that would obstruct a teacher’s view of the dancer may be worn to class. Dancers should not wear shorts over their tights as an alternative to any class dress code that requires black leggings/tights. No crop tops that show midriff.
Jewelry: For safety reasons, no hanging jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches or body jewelry, may be worn to class. Small earrings for pierced ears are permitted.
Grooming: Dancers should be clean and neatly groomed. Please do not wear dirty or ripped tights. No visible body tattoos, writing on the skin.
No long nails are permitted in class, as they can be dangerous during the dance class for you and the other dancers in class.
Food: No gum chewing or other eating is allowed during class. Water is permitted.
Uniform Requirements:
The following chart provides a brief description and the required dress code for our classes.
All students must adhere to AOD's dress code. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Students must wear the listed uniforms required for each class. If you need a special accommodation for any reason, please talk to your instructor prior to the start of class.
Why do we need a dress code?
Safety: dress codes allow for appropriate mobility and traction with the floor. They provide a clean way for the teacher to see the dancer’s body and make sure they are in correct alignment and using proper technique, providing a safer and faster way to progress at the studio.
Increased focus: dance style specific attire helps keep the dancer focused on the reason they are there– to improve their dance technique and movement skills.
Respect: clean and specific dress code for each style of dance shows respect to the art form/dance genre, the teacher, and to the studio. It also demonstrates self-respect.
Confidence: Correct attire influences a dancer's posture and shifts the focus away from unimportant trends. Dressing professionally will help the dancer move professionally.​